Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rylee and Me

What a sweet baby girl! :o) I finally got to hold her today. And she is a week old. My how the time flies! Isn't she just absolutely adorable? I just adore her!! :o)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Good Times

Ahh...This past week has been amazing! Thursday July 16th my new little cousin was born. Rylee Grace! :o) She is the most precious baby I have seen in a long time. She is adorable. Absolutely gorgeous...course I knew she would be. She has two gorgeous parents! hehe! :o) Then Friday July 17th my best friend Jennfier was in town so we got to hang out. Just me, her and our other BFF Jandi! The three musketeers..together again! Just like old times. We picked up right where we left off when she moved away. It was like she never left! We was going to see a sneak preview of a movie but after two of us bought our tickets they sold out!!! can you believe that? What a mess! But we went to eat at Applebee's and we laughed all night long! It was great. Just what I have been needing. I was needing a girl's night out and what better way to have that than with my TWO best friends! They really are amazing. They make me stupid and silly but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Southern Summer Nights

As I sit here and stare out my window I start thinking about my summers growing up. Jason Michael Carroll's song says it all.. "Growing up is getting old.." That it is. I miss the old days. The days as a kid, someone who actually looked forward to summer time, because that meant staying up late, sleeping in, playing all day and night and not having a care in the world. I remember spending my summers at my Nana's house while my mom worked and those summer nights were always my favorite. Playing with the boy next door and waiting for the sun to set so the lightning bugs would come out. That was one of our favorite things to do, catch the lightning bugs and put them in a jar. It was always so much fun. Where did those days go? When did I transition from catching lightning bugs to catching Zzz's as early as I could? Haha! I was riding home the other night with my mom and I had my window down and I was just watching the trees zoom by. A blur to me almost. And that's how I feel my life is going now days. Seems the older I get the faster time slips away! I just wish I could go back in time for just a little while and treasure my childhood a little more. I need to learn to "stop and smell the roses" if you will. Or "stop and listen to the crickets" as I have recently come up with! Haha! It's a southern thing! I was thinking the other night how much I love this time of year...watching those lightning bugs flashing off in the distance, listening to those crickets chirp at night and having it be almost like a lullaby at night while going to sleep. Smelling the sweet smell of honey suckles in the breeze. I love it! :o)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Beginner Blogger

Well I am a beginner at all this! My friend Jennifer H asked me today if I blog and I was like ..HUH? She told me if I enjoy writing then I would love this. And so here I am! Trying things out! But just one question: who in the world came up with the term "blog" ? haha! Oh well! I'll give it my best! I guess since this is a beginning I'll just tell a little about myself! My name is Heather and I am 22 years old. I live in the beautiful southern state of Georgia. Go Dawgs!! :o) I was borned and raised here and I absolutely love it here. I am a big family person! I love to be around my family anytime I can! I am really close with my mother and Nana. They are two of the most important people in my life! I am a christian. I go to a wonderful southern baptist church. It's not a church that goes by any schedule. We make our own! We do not have a list of certain songs we are going to sing. We don't know what the preacher will preach on that morning until he gets up there and delivers his message. He is probably the best pastor I have ever had. He is so passionate about the Lord and really gets in to his preaching! He is amazing! We sing mostly southern gospel songs. Old hymns too! It's really an amazing church! Besides family and God I have the most amazing friends ever! My two best friends are wonderful. Jennifer got married in January and moved out to Washington with her new hubby. He got a good job offer out there. But hopefully, if things go like we're all praying they will, they may get to move back really soon! And Jandi is finishing up her last year in college. They both have always been there for me and listened to me when I needed them most! I don't know where I'd be without them! As far as my likes in general.. I love movies! I am a big movie buff. I get that from my dad! He's always made me watch movies I wouldn't normally choose. And of course, I always end up enjoying them. He and my mother are divorced and have been for several years. Both have since remarried as well. I have one little sister, Heidi. Or should I say younger, haha. She is taller than I am! She is 19 years old. (Gosh I feel old!) and she is finishing her first year of college. She is such a strong person. Stronger than I am! She is blunt and will tell you like it is which is something I love about her! She is smart! And beautiful! And she has become more than a sister to me, she is a friend! I also have another little sister, sorta! It's a confusing situation at this point. She is my cousin's daughter and things happen in life that no one can predict and as a result you get an unexpected surprise which turns into an amazing thing. My Dad and stepmom have stepped forward to take care of her when her parents lost custody. She is two years old and she has quickly taken over my heart. I adore her! I wondered how this was going to change things in all our lives but she has won us all over and it has become a blessing to have her in our lives! I wouldn't have it any other way now!
And unfortunately I am out of time for today! Haha! I am actually at work right now, and it's just about quitting time! I'll try to think of more things to write about and other things to share and I'll try to "blog" (haha still such a funny word ! ) as often as I can! ... So thanks for reading thus far!